Music For Pandas

Written by Adrian Killens on .

Since Dean was good enough to provide us some insight into his latest coding endeavours on the new Panda chat screen, I thought I'd make some effort and talk about the new music I've composed for Mr Panda to chat to. If you've played the Raspberry Pi version of Lunar Panda then you'll have already heard the existing soundtrack, but I have a slight confession to make. I play in a band and spend a lot of my free time composing and musically "doodling" and so I've got hours and hours of music on my computer that I was able to cypher through in order to find a few loop-able segments for the title screen and landing sequences.

When it came to the new chat screen though none my existing material really seemed to gel and so I was forced to put Visual Studio to one side (much to Dean's relief) and open up Reason, which is the app I generally use for all my midi and synth stuff. I was going for a "It's 1991. I've just got my new Sound Blaster 16 and a copy of Space Quest 4! Let's see what this bad boy can do!" vibe.